Persistence — The Drive Continues…

Chukwunelo Ebuka Alpha
4 min readOct 31, 2021


It’s Q4 2021 and Cosmos season is on everyone’s minds and lips. The Cosmos ecosystem is huge and is looking to build an open, scalable, and interconnected economy of the future. An internet of blockchains where interoperability is the main theme, it’s set to take the blockchain space by storm.

Today we take a look at Persistence, a top protocol within the Cosmos ecosystem that is really pushing the narrative for Cosmos and taking us for a ride into this internet of blockchains. Persistence is a tendermint-based protocol built on Cosmos that gives us next-gen financial products for making inroads into the DeFi, NFT and PoS space. We’d be taking a look at some of these next-gen products and recent happenings within them as we seek to take advantage of Cosmos Season to the fullest.

The graphic below tries to give a summary of the events that happened within Persistence ecosystem with the COSMOS SZN event being the height of them all. The recording of the event would be out soon. Meanwhile, let’s take a ride into the other next-gen products under the Persistence platform.


Audit.One is a next-gen financial product of Persistence that offers staking as a service thus helping to ensure network security. Audit.One are top-tier validators in the proof of stake ecosystem and are also part of the validator system of many top projects with the most recent being the integration into JUNO. Now you can stake your $JUNO with Audit.One.


With pSTAKE, you’re looking at a platform that solves the problem of liquidity which has always been a problem for staked assets. When you stake your assets, they are usually locked. With pSTAKE, you would be given representative tokens of your staked assets, with which you can enter the DeFi ecosystem for more yield, thus effectively unlocking liquidity. Many things have happened on pSTAKE recently. First the total value locked (TVL) on pSTAKE exceeded $28 million. Secondly, $22M TVL was crossed on stkTOKEN-ETH Sushi Pools on Sushiswap. pSTAKE further announced retroactive rewards for stkTOKEN-ETH pool LPs. The incentives are massive with 6M $PSTAKE tokens up for grabs. Users would hurry to take advantage of this. The 7-day pSTAKE user count crossed 2.7K as we saw more and more adoption for Persistence’s liquid staking platform. Also, the $PSTAKE airdrop was announced for $XPRT holders and stakers. You can still check your eligibility for the $PSTAKE airdrop by going through this.


Comdex is Persistence’s flagship DApp that revolves around decentralized commodities trading and trade financing platform. With Comdex, you’re looking at the first use case for asset-based lending within the Persistence ecosystem. Comdex also takes a look at democratizing commodities through interchain synthetic assets. Mainnet Launch is close and users would get to enjoy this use case first hand. Comdex announced $CMDX airdrop for $XPRT holders and stakers. They later added additional drop for $ATOM holders and stakers. Something might also be on the table for $LUNA holders and stakers but nothing has been announced yet. You can check for eligibility here:


Assetmantle would be an NFT marketplace framework. AssetMantle would help to implement the minimum clique of the PersistenceSDK models that would render culpable, interNFT definition, issuance, ownership and transfer. In this unique framework, decentralized exchange would also be possible. Let’s keep our fingers crossed as we anticipate AssetMantle.

Let’s keep the push on as we make inroads into the DeFi, NFT and PoS space with ease. Thanks Persistence.







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